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Tissue expansion


Technical Definition: Fabric expansion is a relatively simple procedure, that allows to the body “generate” extra skin for use in the reconstruction in almost all the parts of the body. A balloon expansor of silicone is inserted under the skin next to the area the repaired being and, soon after, gradually performed with saline water along time, making the skin stretches and grow. It is more usually used to the mamma reconstruction after its retreat, but, as well, is used to repair the skin damaged by congenital defects, accidents, surgery and in some aesthetic procedures.

Indication: Almost all the ones that need additional skin, they can benefit by tecidos,desde expansion the children until the senior, and both men and women. The procedure is used in the bust reconstruction when there is not anymore skin to accommodate a permanent implant for the silhouette re-establishment of a woman. It also is unites good option to repair scalp parts or portions, where the hair growth becomes difficult the fabric substitution lost by woven of other body areas. The expansion of woven generally produce results when if it treatment reconstruct face areas, of glúteo, of hands, of the arms and of the legs. The expansion can be more difficult in the back, in the trunk and another areas where the skin is adjusted to the silhouette. The affected area be excessively prejudiced, the expansion probably do not be the best option, since the skin in good terms is the first of the exigencies so that the treatment works.

Advantages and disadvantages: Even little time behind, it limited in the procedures with skin and transplants oddments to reconstruct the affected fabric. The fabrics expansion, therefore, brings an additional technique with several advantages. First, the expansion offers a likeness almost skin color perfect, of the texture and of the production qualities of by the. According to, like the permanent skin is connected the area donor with her blood supply and nervous fabric, there is a very smaller risk than the fabric hill. Moreover, due to the skin do not be moved of a place to another, the scars generally are less apparent. On the other hand, the skin expansion has a clear disadvantage, time required so that it grow new skin. Depending on the area that will be rebuilt, the expansion of woven can last from three to four months. During this time, expansor creates what can seem an inflammation, which is the most desirable in the bust reconstruction, but can be very notorious for someone that is trying to repair your hairy or some other body area. Ademais, the procedure requires several visits to the surgeon for the injection of the saline water that performs the globe. For some people, the inconvenience and the appearance obviate of an expansor are enough reasons for seek other alternative procedures.

All surgery presents risks and uncertainties: The fabrics expansion can produce significant results. But as with any operation, there are risks associates to the surgery and her complications. The commonest preoccupation is that expansor of used silicone in these procedures breaks or and tear. Although expansores are tried of rigorous way and put carefully, they occur some escapes. If expansor starts to present an escape, the solution of saline water, used to perform the globe is absorbed without no complication for the body and expansor then should be substituted in a smaller procedure. A patients' small percentage develop an infection of woven around of expansor. Although this can occur at any time, it is commoner being seen in few weeks after expansor insert. In some cases, expansor can be removed by several months until the infection be totally cured. A new expansor can be put at this time. Perhaps there are some preoccupation concerning about of the use of an expansor of woven of silicone in this procedure due to that Food & Drug Administration (FDA) presents some considerations concerning about of the breasts implants done with silicone. At this time, FDA's Regulation does not affect expansores of fabric by the fact that they are performed with saline water, not silicone, and they stay in the place only for six or 10 weeks, not of permanent way. It assure of asking, in case it want to know a little more FDA's Destas Recommendations.

Planning its surgery: During its first consultation, Dr.Ferrer will evaluate its condition. Its age, the skin condition, the medical history and other factors will help it to determine if you will benefit by the fabrics expansion. Its flexibility and tolerance to the inconvenient associates with this procedure will help it to determine whether it really wishes to submit itself to the procedure or not. Besides arguing their expectations and the procedure understanding.

Pre - operatório: The patient will receive specific instructions about as if prepare for the surgery, including specific manuals about the alimentation and the drinks, the cigarette, and take or to avoid some medications. If its surgery is accomplished in an installation ambulatorial you should ask that someone who light you home when it finish the surgery, and that help you for a day or two, if the need arises. Although the expansion procedures majorities of woven be accomplished in an installation ambulatorial some cases need to be accomplished in hospitals; The size and the expansion location, as well as the preferences and patient's safety , will dictate where the surgery will be accomplished.

Kinds of anesthesia: The procedure will be able to be done with anesthetizes location, agreement with a sedative that will let you a little zonzo. It will be awake, however relaxed, and it will feel certain discomfiture. In some cases Dr.Ferrer can prefer the use of general anesthesia, with which will sleep during all the operation.

The surgery: In most cases, the initial operation carries from one to two hours, depending on the size and of the skin area that should be expanded. The surgeon will start doing a small incision in the skin area that should be repaired, and it will do all possible to do that the incision be the least possible notorious. Soon it will be inserted the globe expansor of silicone in a pocket created below the skin. Expansor includes a fine tube with a valve that is closed automatically that allows to the surgeon perform gradually the globe with saline solution. The valve is put under the skin surface. Once the incision be healed, it will be asked that you return to the surgery of periodic way so that expansor receives injections with more saline solution. As expansor goes filling itself, its skin will start to stretch. In some people, this procedure can gives a little. When the skin has extended the enough to cover the affected zone, it will accomplish a second operation to withdraw the globe and to put back the new fabric. In the bust reconstruction, the surgery that should remove expansor and to put the permanent implant is relatively brief. The most complex surgeries, to whether reestablish the skin in zones as the scalp or the face, will take more time, and perhaps require more than one expansions sequence so that they can complete satisfactorily.

postoperative Recommendations: How you are going to feel after the surgery is something that depends a lot of the extension and of the surgery complexity. The initial surgery to put expansores makes most patients feels a light discomfort that can be controlled with medications that will be prescribed to the patient. Perhaps feel a certain discomfiture every time injects a little more of saline solution in expansor, this discomfiture usually takes too long from one to two hours. The segment procedure to remove expansor and to put the new fabric can create right inconvenience, but this also can be controlled with medications.

Time of Recovery: Again, the rapidity so that you resume your routine activities depends on the duration, of the complexity, and of the kind of surgery that you submitted. For the patients that were submitted to the bust reconstruction, if the fabric expansion is not related with the bust removal, the normal activities can be resumed in one or two days. Most expansion patients of woven discover that can keep its normal routine when expansor is in your place. After the second operation, most patients will feel well in the first week.

Results: Generally, the extension results of woven are superior to other procedures used to reconstruct the damaged skin. However have in mind that the goal is to obtain one improves and to do not arrive to perfection. For most fabrics expansion patients, the procedure improves enough the appearance and the quality of its life after the surgery. If you are a healthy, psychologically stable person and have realistic expectations, probably will be very satisfied with the result that will have with this procedure and with its new appearance.