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Rhinoplasty - Nose surgery


Scientific Name: The nose surgery is known as Rinoplastia.

Purpose Rinoplastia or nose surgery improves the appearance and the nose proportion, highlighting the facial harmony and improving for autoestima. The nose surgery also can correct respiratory difficulty caused by structural abnormalities in the nose. Nestas interventions can: Tune, lift and to define the nasal tip. Tune and to lower the nasal back. In some cases is necessary the cartilage placement of grafts for better nose definition. We also aim the treatment of functional problems as septo deviation nasal. The nose surgery is recommended from the moment that was reached the bony maturity, what happens around of the 17 years

Kind of Anesthesia: The useddest anesthesia is for location with sedation, but can be employed the general anesthesia.

surgery Duration: The surgery is accomplished between 1 and 2 hours. In some cases this time is overtaken, since the circumstances thus demand it. Reminding that time of the surgical act should not be confused for time of patient stay in the environment of the Surgical Center, because this stay also involves the period of anesthetic preparation and postoperative recovery.

Time of internment: The internment varies from 6 to 12 hours, it depends on the kind of anesthesia and of the patient recovery in immediate postoperative.

Scar: Some noses allow the scars are hidden inside the nasal cavity. In these cases, will not there be apparent scar. In other cases, there are external scars little apparent, as a consequence of incisions (cuts) done in the columela or in the nasal wings. In these cases, it imposes the placement destas external scars (little visible), to if provide a better result to the final form or even to the nasal physiology.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Urea and creatinina, Optional anti-HIV, E.C.G.
• Medical photographic documentation.
• Communicate your doctor up to 2 days before the surgery, in influenza case, menstrual period, indisposition, etc.
• Accomplish an evaluation with the Otorhinolaryngologist, in cases of nasal obstruction and rinite allergic.
• Communicate your surgeon, until the surgery eve, in influenza case, having a cold, coryza or any symptoms that affect the mouth, the nose or the throat.
• In case of puting into hospital itself at the same operation day, attend to the hospital totally in fast.
• Avoid alcoholic drinks or meals much lautas, in the surgery eve.
• Avoid cigarette 15 days before the surgery.
• Do not use medications with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 15 days before and 7 days after the surgery.
• Wash the head and to do not use make-up.
• Do not use medications with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 15 days before and 7 days after the surgery.
• Communicate any abnormality that eventually occurs, regarding your general state.
• Do not do make-up in the internment day.
• In the eventuality of puting into hospital itself at the same operation day, be "in fast", for a minimum period of 8 hours

Postoperative Recommendations:

• not blow nose for 30 days, sneeze of opened mouth.
• Avoid efforts in the 8 first days.
• Careful corporeal hygiene to without weting the dressing.
• Do its normal dental hygiene.
• Return to direct after 7 days, on an average.
• Sleep of of dorsal (belly upwards) in the first days of postoperative.
• Use Rinossoro or similar, several times to the day for 1 week.
• Free alimentation, from second on day, mostly to the proteins base (meats, milk, eggs) and vitamins (fruit)
• You can use Hirudoid gel or similar in areas with bruises or ecchymosis, post-bath
• If necessary can use a kind laxative Agarol or another habitually used.
• Do not stay close to hot places and avoid cooking for 4 weeks.
• Avoid to the maximum the cigarettes use until the complete recovery.
• Do not withdraw in hypothesis some the nasal dressings without medical order of the Dr. Ferrer, this can pledge seriously the result of surgery.
• Avoid beach sun in the period from 30 to 45 days.
• Do not use glasses for a minimum period of 20 days after the surgery.
• Return for revisions of a month, two, four and six months. Final return for picture with a year.

Time of recovery: The recovery occurs between 7 and 14 days after the surgery.

Result: No result of surgery of facial rejuvenation should be evaluated before the 6 months of postoperative.

Surgeries associates: The final Result of this surgery occurs 6 months after its accomplishment.