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Otoplasty - Ear Surgery Correction


Scientific Name: The Ear Surgery is known as Otoplasty.

Purpose Otoplastia has as purpose correct to called out "leque ears" or proeminent ears. The salient or disfigured ears inconvenience to the patient, it can improve the form, the position or the ears proportions. The surgery corrects a defect in the structure of the present ears since the birth, that becomes apparent with the development, or it treats deformed ears caused by lesion. For otoplastia creates a natural form, giving balance and proportion to the ears and to the side. Correction of smaller deformities can benefit the appearance and for autoestima

recommended Age: Otoplastia is indicated from the 7 years.

Kind of Anesthesia: The anesthesia used in children is the general anesthesia and in adult is applied to local anesthesia with sedation.

surgery Duration: Usually the surgery has a period between 60 and 90 minutes. Reminding that time of surgical act should not be confused for time of patient stay in the environment of Surgical Center, because this stay also involves the period of anesthetic preparation and postoperative recovery.

Time of internment: The internment varies from 6 to 12 hours, it depends on the kind of anesthesia and of the patient age.

Scar: The scar of this surgery is practically invisible, for being located behind the ear, in the furrow formed by this and the cranium. Further more, as if care for region of very fine skin, the scar tends itself to get almost imperceptible, even in some technical that use small incisions in the previous side.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Urea and creatinina, sorologia for hepatitis B and C, sorologia HIV, dosage sérica of Sodium and potassium, E.C.G., Urine exam.
• Accomplish photographic documentation.
• Communicate to the Doctor Ferrer until the surgery eve, in influenza case, infections, etc.
• keep itself in fast for a period from 6 to 8 hours before the surgery.
• Wash the hairs in the eve.
• Do not use make-up.
• Do not do medications use with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 20 days before and 10 days after the surgery accomplishment.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• Free alimentation, from second on day, mostly to the proteins base (meats, milk, eggs) and vitamins (fruit).
• Careful corporeal hygiene to without weting the dressings.
• Do its normal dental hygiene
• Follow correctly the prescribed medications in the revenue
• Do not stay close to hot places.
• Avoid sun, wind and friagem, for 15 days.
• If Do not expose in the sun for at least 2 months, and use fotoprotetor 40 FPS daily.
• It will be able to return to the school, professional activities, etc. 4 to 5 days after the surgery.
• use protective band of the ears for a period 15 day especially to sleep.
• Return for revisions of a month, two, four and six months. Final return for picture with a year.

Time of recovery: The recovery varies between 10 and 20 days after the surgery.

Result: When withdrawn the dressing is already possible to see around 80 % of the craved result, but after 6 months that the result will be definitive.