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Blepharoplasty - Eyes Surgery


Scientific Name: The Palpebrae Surgery is called out scientifically of Blepharoplasty.

Purpose: The eyelid surgery improves the appearance of the superior palpebrae, of the inferior palpebrae, or of both. The surgery provides appearance rejuvenated in the area around of the eyes, making the look seems resteder and alert. The Surgery is accomplished to withdraw the skin excess and of fat purses in the superior and inferior palpebrae, also call from circles.

Indication: The skin excess, the muscular weakness and the purse appearance association of fat, does that an abaulamento appears in this region, they translate by the common denomination of "circles". These symptoms generally start appear from the 30 years and is linked to a hereditary load.

Kind of Anesthesia: For if treat a surgery of smaller postage, most cases is operated under anesthetizes location with sedation. Depending on the patient's wish, it will be able to be made under general anesthesia.

surgical Time: Usually, the surgery has a duration of about 60 to 90 minutes. However, time of surgical act should not be confused for time of patient stay in the environment of Surgical Center, because this stay also involves the period of anesthetic preparation and postoperative recovery.

Time of Internment: When accomplished under anesthetizes location with sedation, the patient remains from 4 to 6 hours after the surgery.

Scar: In the superior eyelid is accomplished an incision in the eye fold, call from superior orbital furrow and in the eyelid lower than approach is made through an incision close to the inferior eyelashes or an incision transconjuntival when we aim exclusively retreat of the greasy purses. Being the palpebrae skin of very fine thickness, the scars tend to get practically imperceptible. For so much, should be waited the scar maturation period (3 months). By its location are passible of are disguised with a make-up carries, since the first days.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Optional anti-HIV and E.C.G.
• Medical photographic documentation.
• Accomplish an evaluation with the Ophthalmologist in cases of some complains previous ocular.
• Communicate any abnormality that can occur, regarding your general state until the internment eve.
• Do not do make-up in the internment day.
• Avoid alcoholic drinks or meals much lautas, in the surgery
• Do not use medications with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 15 days before and 7 days after the surgery.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• Use cream for side just with specific orientation of the Dr. Ferrer.
• Do its normal dental hygiene.
• Comb the hairs carefully.
• Follow correctly the prescribed medications in the revenue.
• Compresses with physiologic serum or tea of very freezing camomile, about the eyes, several times to the day, will be useful to decrease time of edema and to provide certain postoperative comfort.
• If possible to opt for a position with the lifted headboard, in the first hours of postoperative, this will reduce the edema.
• Free alimentation, from second on day, mostly to the proteins base (meats, milk, eggs) and vitamins (fruit).
• use sun-glasses when if it exposes to the natural light and to the wind.
• Avoid sun, wind and friagem, for 15 days.
• Not traumatizar neither "to scratch" the eyes.
• Depending on its postoperative evolution, you will be able to come back to your normal activities after 3 to 4 days.

Time of recovery: The recovery occurs between 7 and 15 days after the surgery.

Result: The definitive result will be reached after the 6th month. However, soon after the 8th day already will have about 25% of the craved result, and, in the 2 or 3 subsequent weeks, that percentile tends to improve strongly.

Surgeries associates: The Blepharoplasty can be associate Ritidoplastia and Lipoaspiração de Sub-menton (double chin), come in another.