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Breast Reconstruction Surgery - Breast reconstruction


Scientific Name: The mamma reconstruction is gotten through several cosmetic surgery techniques that try to restore the mamma considering itself the form, the appearance and the size after the partial or total mastectomy.

Purpose: The mamma reconstruction that was removed due to a cancer or another disease is one of the most gratifying available surgical procedures today. New medical techniques and procedures has possible tornado to the surgeons create a breast seemed most in form and appearance to the natural breast. Frequentemente the reconstruction is possible soon after to the a breast removal (mastectomy), therefore for patient awakes already with the breast implant in his place, being economized of the experience of see to himself without the mamma. However, have in mind that the mamma reconstruction soon after the mastectomy is not a simple procedure. There are several options to consider until you and Dr.Ferrer opt what is the best for you.

Intercorrências of the surgery There are risks associates to any surgery and specific complications to this procedure. In general, they can occur usual problems of surgery, like sangramento, collection of fluid, fabric of excessive scar or difficulties with the anesthesia, although they are relatively uncommon. And as with any surgery, smokers should be warned that the nicotine can be late the recovery, resulting in notable scars and later recovery. Occasionally, these complications are serious enough to require a second operation. If an implant is used, there is a remote possibility of an infection if develop, usually in the first two next weeks to the surgery. In some cases, the implant should be removed by any months until the infection cures for completes. A new implant will be able to be inserted afterwards. The commonest problem in this surgery , it is for contratura capsular, that occurs whether the scar or capsule in implant return start to to be thicken, this espessamento of the implant can cause the mamma hardening. For contratura capsular will be able to be cared for several ways, and sometimes requires the cicatrization fabric removal or perhaps the removal and recolocação of the implant. The reconstruction does not have any effect well-known in the mamma pathology recurrence, and generally such little interferes with the chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Your surgeon can recommend the continuation of periodic mammographies so much in the rebuilt mamma, as in the normal. If its reconstruction involves an implant, assure in go to a radiology center, where will be employed technical especially required to having a reliable lightning-X of a breast rebuilt with an implant. Women who postpone the reconstruction can pass by a readaptação moment emotional. As if it carries a time to if get used with the loss of a mamma, a woman can feel anxious and confused that soon starts to think of reconstruction for herself.

Indications You can start to talk about the reconstruction as soon as to receive the cancer diagnosis. Ideally, you will need that your mamma surgeon and your cosmetic surgeon work close to develop a strategy that will put you in a better possible condition for the reconstruction. After evaluating its health, your surgeon is going to explain which are the reconstructions options are appropriated most to its age, bottoms up, anatomy, woven and objective. Assure of arguing frankly with your his surgeon expectations. He or she should be equally frank with you, describing their options, risks and limitations. The reconstruction post-mastectomy can improve its appearance and to renew its self-confidence, but I have in mind that the wished result is to improves and not the perfection.

Kind of Anesthesia: The first reconstruction apprenticeship, the creation of the mammary volume, is almost always accomplished with general anesthesia, therefore you will remain sleeping during all the operation. The accompaniment procedures can require only anesthetizes location, agreement with a sedative. For patient will be awake, however relaxed and can feel some discomfort.

Kinds of implants When recommended the use of an implant, you will be able to argue that kind of implant will be used. A mamma implant is a silicone shell performed with silicone gel or a saline solution. Eventually, all the patients with appropriated medical indications can have a similar access to implants with fulfilling of gel silicone. The alternative implant of fulfilling of saline solution, a silicone shell performed with saline solution remains available without restrictions, with larger revisions. In any case argues with your surgeon the current options.

Preoperative Recommendations:

Your oncologist and your cosmetic surgeon is going to give you specific instructions of as if preparer for its surgery, including alimentation and drink, tobacco, besides the use or restrictions of some vitamins and medications .While it are preparing itself, agree with someone to carry you home after the surgery and to help her for some days, if necessary.

Kinds of resources used in the surgery: Due to variety of resources options for accomplishment of this surgery define some their for patients' the best understanding.

• Skin expansion: The commonest technique agrees skin and subsequentemente expansion the insert of u implant. After the mastectomy, your surgeon is going to insert a balloon expansor below his thorax skin and muscles. Starting from a valve small mechanism put below the skin, he is going to inject periodically a saline solution for gradually perform expansor during some weeks or months. When the skin of the mamma area is stretched enough, expansor can be removed in a second operation and a more permanent implant will be inserted. Some expansores are developed to be let in the location as the final implant. The nipple and the dark skin in his return, known as aureola, are rebuilt in a procedure subsequente. Any patient need not expansion fabric before receiving an implant. For these women, the surgeon will be able to procede with the insert of an implant as first step.
• Oddments reconstruction: An alternative procedure for the reconstruction involves the creation of a skin oddment using fabric pulled of other part of the body, as of the back, abdomen or glúteos. In a kind of oddments surgery, the fabric continues attached in the original location, keeping the blood supply. The oddment consisting of skin, fat and muscle with your blood supply are linked to the breast underneath of the skin, creating a pocket for an implant or in some cases, creating a mamma volume by itself, without the need to an implant. Other technical of oddment uses fabric that is removed surgically of the abdomen, thighs or glúteos and then are transplanted in the breast reconectando the blood vessels to the of the region. This procedure requires knowledge also appropriated of the cosmetic surgeon who be experienced in surgery microvascular. Without carrying in account the form with which the fabric is linked to a pedicle or transplanted to the breast as an oddment microvascular, this kind of surgery is more complex than a skin expansion. Scars will be let in the two woven, so much in the of the location donor, how much in the rebuilt breast, and the recovery is going to be more lasting than the with an implant. In the other hand, when the breast is rebuilt totally with your own fabric, the result generally is more natural and there is not any preoccupation on a silicone implant. In some cases, you also can have the benefit of a better abdominal outline.
• Accompaniment procedures: Most mamma reconstructions involves a series of procedures that occur after. Usually, the operation of initial reconstruction is in excess complex. Accompaniment surgeries can be necessary to replace an expansor of fabric for an implant or to reconstruct the nipple and aureole. Lots of surgeons recommend an additional operation to increase, decrease or to lift the natural breast to agree with the rebuilt breast. However have in mind that this procedure is going to let scar and to cannotbe covered by the safe doctor.

Postoperative Recommendations:

You probably will feel tired and sore from one to two weeks after the reconstruction surgery. Most of their discomforts can be controlled by prescribed medications by your doctor. Many reconstruction options require a surgical drainage tube to remove the excess of immediately flowed of the surgery locations after the operation, but this will be removed inside the first or Monday week after the surgery. Most points and dressings are removed of 1 week to 10 dias.Você will be able to carry up to six weeks to whether recover of a mastectomy agreement with a reconstruction or of a reconstruction of alone oddments. If you are used an implant without oddment and the reconstruction is made starting from a mastectomy, time of recovery will be able to be smaller. The reconstruction will not be able to reestablish the normal sensation for breast, but with time, some sensations will come back. Most scars are going to if reduce substantially with pass it time, for one or two years, however they never will disappear completely. How much better the general quality of its reconstruction, more discreet will be these scars. Follow your surgeon's orientation with ralação to the when he start physical exercises or normal activities. Like general rule, you will need if abstain of weighed exercises, vigorous sports and sexual activities for from three to six weeks after the reconstruction.

Results There are chances of your rebuilt breast whether seem firmer and to seem rounder or more favored than your natural breast. He cannothave the same outline that I had before the mastectomy, and will not be alike to other breast. But these differences will be apparent only for you. For most of the patient mastectomizadas, the breast reconstruction improves dramatically its appearance and life quality after the surgery.