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Hand surgery


Definition: If its hand has some deformity, the surgery can improve its condition. This kind of very specialized surgery can treat diseases that cause pain and jeopardize the force, the function and the flexibility of your fist and fingers. The surgery aims restore, next to the normal, the fingers function and of hands hurt by trauma or to correct present anomalies at the birth moment. Specifically, the hand surgery can treat: Dramatic advances were done in the recent years when if it treatment patient that suffered lesions in her hands, that suffer degenerative upsets, and congenital defects in these important members. In the tip of these advances are the specialists whose larger interest is to improve so much the function regarding appearance. The plastic surgeons submit to the exhaustive studies in hand surgery, and they (with the orthopedic surgeons and the general surgeons) treat patient that present one enlarge problems spectrum in hands. This information was made so that the patient understands the commonest problems involving the hands: Which ones are , what the Dr. Ferrer will be able to do in these cases, and the results that can be expected, because many of them depend on the individual terms of each patient.

If this considering the surgery in hands The patient will be examined, where close to the Dr.Ferrer will be argued the treatment possible methods for the problem, and to evaluate if the surgery considers a guaranteed procedure. If you are this way, the surgeon will argue the procedure in detail, including the location where the surgery will be accomplished (in the surgery of the medicate, in a center ambulatorial, or in a hospital), the anesthesia that will be employed and the surgical techniques that will be applied, the possible risks and complications, the recovery period and of rehabilitation, and the probable result in terms of of the function and the appearance. Do not doubt in ask anything that does not understand during the consultation inicial,incluindo the preoccupations concerning about of the recommended treatments and the costs.

All surgery involves risks and incerezas Many hands operations are done with success every years. Although the procedures usually are safe when done by a capable and experienced professional, the complications can appear. In any kind of hand surgeries, the possible complications that can arise include the infection, a deficient recovery, the sensation loss or of movement, the coagulums of bleeds, and the adverse reactions to the anesthesia. These complications are uncommon, and can generally be treated. It can decrease its exhibition to these risks choosing a capable professional and following her indications.

Lesions in hands The commonest procedures in the hands surgery are those done to repair hands lesionadas, including the lesions in the sinews, nerves, blood vessels, and the articulations; The fractured bones; And the burns, the cuts, and another skin lesions. The modern techniques improved considerably the capacity that has a surgeon of reestablishing the appearance and the functionality, until in the cases in which there is severe lesion. Among techniques more usually used by the plastic surgeons find:

• Grafts – the skin transfer, bone, nerves, or any other fabric of a healthy part of the body to repair a part that this lesionada;
• Oddment surgery - the skin transplant with the fat, the capillary vases, and the muscle of this skin same oddment of a healthy part of the body for another part that this lesionada;
• Replantação or transplant – fingers or hands re-establishment amputated accidentally using personal computer surgery, a surgery over exact and delicate used under vision amplification terms. Some lesions can need varias operations on a longer period.
In some cases, the surgery can reestablish a good part of the sensation and the hands lesionadas function. Put, the recovery can carry several months, and in most cases a period of manual therapy is recommended (see recovery and rehabilitation.)

Sindrome of tunel carpal The Carpal tunnel is a ticket among pulse sinews and one of the more important nerves of hand. The pressure can increase inside the tunnel due to some diseases (like the rheumatic arthritis), the lesions, the retention of flowed during the pregnancy, the excessive work, or the repetitive actions. The resultant pressure in the nerve inside the tunnel produce a pressure sensation inside hand, frequentemente accompanied of sensation lack, pain, and limited habitual functions. All this calls syndrome of the carpal tunnel. In some cases, the hand standstill and the antiphlogistic medications solve the problem. If do not work, it can be necessary to accomplish a surgery. In the operation, the surgeon accomplishes an incision of half the palm until the pulse. Then it cuts the fabric that this doing pressure in the nerve, to alleviate the pressure. A band and a férula are used after the surgery to restrict the action and to help in the recovery. The scar iRA disappearing gradually but never completely. The surgery results depend in part of there is how long the condition exists and how much damage she already caused in the nerve. Because of this, it is a good idea see a fast doctor thinks it has syndrome of carpal tunnel.

Arthritis reumatica: The rheumatic arthritis, an articulations inflammation, is a limiting disease that can affect the appearance and the hands function and another parts of the body. It usually deforms the fingers articulations and makes these are in a position that prevents the movement. The inabilities caused by rheumatic arthritis can almost always be controlled need to accomplish a surgery – for example, using férulas special or using physiotherapies to strengthen the reached areas. For some patient, put, the surgery offers the best solution. Have or not a surgery, it is a decision that you should take consulting your surgeon and your reumatólogista. The surgeons can reconstruct or to repair almost any hand area or of the pulse removing fabrics of the affected articulations, puting back sinews, or implanting artificial articulations. Although its hand be never the same with regard to the capacities, generally can wait a satisfactory result concerning about of the appearance and the operation. Nevertheless, it is important to remind that the surgical reparation does not eliminate the disease. The rheumatic arthritis can follow provoking problems in their hands, in occasions require additional operations, and it will need to follow I sell your reumatólogista to have a segment good procedure.

Contratura De Dupuytren For Dupuytren's Contraditora is a skin upset and of the adjacent fabric next to hand palm. Similar rough fabrics to of a scar chisel - if under the palm skin and can extend to the fingers, pulling them for the palm and preventing the movement. The condition usually develops when adult without some apparent cause (although there is a great tendency to to be present in other family members). The surgery is the only treatment for for Dupuytren's Contratura. The surgeon cuts and separates the bands of the hardened fabrics, liberating the sinews and allowing a larger mobility in the fingers. The operation should be made accurately, because the nerves that irrigate the hands almost always are tied each other in the abnormal fabric. In some cases, they require grafts in hand to replace the affected skin. The surgery results are going to depend on the condition severity. You can wait one improves considerable in the functionality, particularly after the physiotherapy (see Recovery and rehabilitation.), And it will have a small scar.

Defects Congenitos: The congenital deformities of hand – that is, the deformations that a child has when it is born with them - can interfere with the normal growth of hand and to cause significant problems in your use. Fortunately, with the modern techniques in surgery, most defects can soon early – in some cases be corrected, during the childhood, in another, at two or three years – allowing the normal development and the operation appropriated of hand. One of the commoner congenital defects is for sindactilia, in which two or more fingers are united. The surgical correction includes the fabric cut that connects the fingers, and then to do a skin graft of another body location. (The procedure is more complicated if the bones also are united.) The surgery usually can provide an action good level and an almost normal appearance, although the color of the grafted skin be maybe different to the of hand rest. Other common congenital defects include the small, absent or badly formed finger, stilted sinews, and nerves and abnormal capillary vases. In the majority of cases, these defects can be surgically treated and waits one improves significant.

Recovery and rehabilitation: Due to that hand is a very sensitive part of the body, perhaps have some pain after the surgery. Your surgeon can prescribe injections or oral medications to reduce the discomfort. Time that its hand should pass in standstill and quão terms fast can come back to the routine activities depends on the kind and the surgery extension and of the rapidity of your recovery process. To facilitate the recovery and to give the biggest possible its use hand, your surgeon can recommend a rehabilitation course (occupational and physical therapy) under the direction of a professional therapist. Its therapy can include the manual exercises, heat and massages therapy, eletro nervous stimulation, standstill, and special bands to control the inflammation. Have in mind that the surgery is soil the beginning of the recovery process. È crucial that you understand and follow therapist's indications and complete the physiotherapy course himself wants to recover the functionality of its hand.