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Skin cancer


Listen a cancer diagnosis” is very difficult to accept. Comprehend that treat the skin cancer can result in scars or disfigurement also is very difficult. The cosmetic surgeon understands his preoccupations and will go to address him to the correct treatment and will explain you the resultant effect in its health and appearance. The skin cancer is the commonest form in cancer in the United States. More than 500.000 new cases are reported every year and the incidence is growing more than any other kind of cancer. Although cânceres of skin can be found anywhere of the body, next to 80 percent appear on the face, head or in the lap, that they can end up to disfiguring the person and to be extremely dangerous. The purpose of this manual is to educate you concerning about of the different kinds of skin cancer, their causes and the preventive measures that you can take; Help you to identify when should look for a doctor; And to explain you cosmetic surgeon's paper in the skin cancer diagnosis and treatment and other abnormal growths in the skin.

skin cancer Causes. The skin cancer main cause is the ultraviolet radiation – whose great majority comes of the sun, but also of artificial sources as the sun or chambers lamps of artificial tan. In fact, the investigators believe that the search of the perfect tan, the increment of our activities for field open and perhaps the ozone layer reduction of our planet are behind the alarming growth that we see in the skin cancer. Anyone can come to suffer from a cancer of independent skin of kind of skin, race or age, not mattering where live or what do. However the risks are larger if.
1. Its skin is delicate and if split easily.
2. You have hair and clear eyes.
3. You have many size spots or spots or not usual forms.
4. Raisin much time working or playing outdoors.
5. It lives next to the Equator, to a considerable height, or in a place where there is an intense sultriness.
6. Have received treatments of therapeutic radiation for juvenile acne.

Kinds of cancer skin the kind Cancer of commoner skin is the carcinoma of basal cells. Fortunately, it also is is the least dangerous, he grows slowly and few times propagates besides your origin place. Should treat adequately, can otherwise become more profound and to arrive to the bone or to the surrounding fabric and to provoke serias lesions (particularly case be next to the eye). The carcinoma of scaly cells is the second kind of cancer of commoner skin, frequentemente appears in the lips, in the face, the in the ears. In any occasions expands to other distant places, including the lymphatic nodules and some internal structures. This carcinoma can represent a menace to life if not treated adequately. A third cancer form, the malignant melanoma, is the least common, but its incidence is increasing every day, especially in the state that are a lot in solarados. The malignant melanoma also is the most dangerous kind in skin cancer. If discovered quickly, it can be cured in its totality. However, if does not treat adequately, can if expand for the whole body and can be mortal.

Other information: There are other two kinds of growths in the skin that are called fleshy spots and keratosis. The fleshy spots are groups of strongly pigmented cells, they can be flat or still above of the skin surface. Although most of them do not represent any danger, any especially great spots that are presented in the birth or those that present edges little defined or spotted colors can become a malignant melanoma. The spots generally are removed by cosmetic reasons or due to the fact that are irritated constantly when dressing itself or to put joias (what can cause alterations pre-cancerous). The solar keratosises or actínias are irregular, reddened or brown. Usually they are found in the exposed areas in the sun and in some occasions develop as a scaly cellular cancer.

Recognition: The cellular carcinomas of basal and scaly kind can be different in its appearance. The cancer can start with a small nodule, white or pink or with an eruption that can be soft and brilliant, wrinkled or rough in the surface. Or can whether present as a dry red point or a point arroxeado firm... A nodules group...An inflammation that bleeds or not whether cure after two or four weeks...Or can be a white stain that is seemed the fabric of a scar.
The malignant melanoma usually is marked by the alteration in the size, in the form or in the color of an already existing spot or as a new growth in the skin. Observe the symptoms "ABCD" of the melanoma alarm: Asymmetry - a growth whose halves are not alike, irregularity in the edge - unlike edges; Color - a painted appearance, they are darker, brown shadows and pretas, in some occasions mixed with red, white or blue; And the Diameter - a growth of more than six millimeters of length (like the size of a rubber of a pencil), or any growth that is abnormal.
If all these variable seem confused for you, the most important thing than should reminds is: Learn about its skin and examine her frequentemente, of the head to their feet. (Do not forget about their back.) If note some alteration little usual somewhere of your body, look for the doctor for a consultation.

Diagnose and treatment The skin cancer is diagnosed by means of the removal of part of the fabric or in its totality and analyzing her cells using a microscope. It can be to treaty several ways, depending on the kind of cancer, its growth stage and of the position in your body. Most cânceres of skin are removed surgically, for a cosmetic surgeon or a dermatologist. If the cancer is small, the procedure can be accomplished fast and easily ambulatorialmente or in the doctor's surgery using anesthetizes location. The procedure can be a simple excision, which usually lets a fine visible scar. Or also can do a cauterization or a dissection. In this procedure the cancer is scraped with an electric chain to control the bleeded and to eliminate all the remaining cancerous cells. This procedure lets a scar a little by heart larger white. In anyone of the cases, the risks destas surgeries are low.
Whether the cancer is very large or went transposed to the lymphatic ganglion or to any other body place, it can require a larger surgery. Other possible treatments for the skin cancer include the cryosurgery (freeze the cancerous cells), therapy for radiation (using lightnings X), chemotherapy tópica (applied drugs anti-cancerous directly in the skin), and Mohs' Surgery, a special procedure in which the cancer is scraped a layer for time. (Mohs' Surgery is just accomplished for medical especially trained and usually requires a reconstruction surgery afterwards).

Prevention After have been to treaty a skin cancer, your doctor should program regular visits to certify itself that the problem disappeared. However, your doctor cannot prevent a recurrence. It is up to you reduce your risks changing old habits and developing some new. (These preventive measures also apply to people who do not have skin cancer).

• Avoid the exhibition prolonged in the sun, especially between the 10 and 2:00h of afternoon and during summer's months. Mind you, the ultraviolet lightnings pass through the water and of the clouds and reflect in the sand and in the snow.
• When he leave for a time's great period, use clothes that you pretejam as the shadows and long sleeve.
• In any exposed skin, use a blocking with a SPF (factor of solar protection).
• Finally, examine its skin regularly. In case it have some doubt searches your doctor, cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist.