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Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate


Definition: You are the result of an abnormal development of the lip and of the palate of the newborn.

Purpose: The harelip reparation and of the palatine rift is a kind of cosmetic surgery to correct the abnormal development, aiming restore the function and to let the nearest appearance of the normal. Harelip and palatine rift are among malformações commoner congenital than affect the children. The incomplete formation of the superior lip (fissure) or of the mouth roof (palate) can occur individually or in set. The terms can vary in terms of gravity, could include one or both side sides. The rift, or separation of the superior lip and/or the palate, occurs very precociously in the fetus development. During the fetal development, any components of the superior lip and of the palate usually do not form. Most rifts can be repaired through techniques specialized of cosmetic surgery, improving child's capacity of eating, talk, hear and to breathe.

The importance of an action multidisciplinar: The children who are born with the palate or the harelip require the several professionals abilities to correct the problems associates with her condition. Need of a cosmetic surgery to repair the opening, these children can have problems with its alimentation and your teeth, its audition, its speech and the psychological development as will go growing. It is because of this that the parents should seek the help from a lip team and leporine so fast palate as it are possible. The medical professionals with the experience in these problems configured these teams by the country all to help the parents treat her your son since the birth or even before. Typically, a team destas characteristic includes a cosmetic surgeon, a pediatrician, a dentist, a fonoaudiólogo, a social worker, a hearing specialist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a psychologist, a nurse and a genetic adviser.

Risks and uncertainties: When the surgery is accomplished by a capable cosmetic surgeon with experience in the lip reparation or of the palate, the results can be very positive. Put, equal in which any other operation, there is certain risk and complications associates to the procedure. In the harelip surgery, the commonest problem is the asymmetry, when one of the mouth sides and of the nose is not alike to another. The surgery goal is to close the opening in the first operation. Occasionally, it is necessary a second operation. In the palate surgery, the goal is to close the opening that there is in the palate so that the child can eat and to learn to talk correctly. Occasionally, whether a recovery in the palate is not very good or talks her of the child is limited can if you need a second operation.

Planning its surgery: In its first consultation, it will be argued the procedure details that is going to use, including where will be accomplished the surgery, anesthesia the kind that will be used, the possible risks and complications, the recovery, the costs, and the results that can be expected. Your surgeon is also going to answer to the questions that you can have concerning about of your child and its alimentation, of the breast or of the baby-bottle, before and after of the surgery. In most cases, the companies of safe cover most costs for these surgeries. Check its to guarantee that your son is covered and to try there is any limitation about treatment the kinds that are not contemplated in the plan.

palate Surgery: A harelip can oscillate in severity since little boring in the red part of the superior lip until the total separation of the lip going until the nose. The harelip can occur in one or in the two sides of the superior lip. The surgery generally is accomplished when the child has almost 10 age weeks. To repair the harelip, the surgeon will accomplish an incision in the mouth harelip superior side until the nostril. Soon after it will rotate the dark pink portion of the harelip downwards and will pull the muscle and the lip skin at the same time to close the separation. The muscle function and the normal form of the lips in the mouth are reestablished. The deformity in the nostril can be repaired at the moment in which it also is repaired the lip or in a posterior surgery.

Time of recovery: Perhaps its child cannot rest adequately after the surgery, but your doctor can prescribe some medications to alleviate the pain. The immobilizing of the elbows will be necessary for some weeks to avoid that your it drinks scratches the area. If some dressing was used, they will be removed in one or two days, and the points will be removed or will dissolve in five days. Your doctor should warn him how to to feed your son during the first weeks after the surgery. It is normal that the surgery scar seems larger and redder in the first weeks after the surgery. This will disappear gradually, although the scar never disappears completely. In many children, however, is difficult to notice due to the folds that stay in the nose and in the superior lip.

palate Surgery: In some children, the leporine palate can only pledge a small portion of the whole palate; In another, it can pour in a complete separation that goes front back. As in the harelip, the palate can appear on both mouth sides. However, repair the palate involves a much more complex surgery and usually is accomplished when the child has from nine to 18 age months, period in which drinks it is larger and has more probabilities of standing the surgery. To repair a palate, the surgeon will do an incision in both separation sides, moving the fabric of each one of the sides for the center or for the central line of the palate. This reconstructs the palate, joining the muscles and doing that the palate has the terms appropriated so that the child can talk and if feed correctly.

palate surgery Recovery: For one or two days, probably your son feels certain pain and discomfort, which can be controlled by means of medication. During this period, your son will not eat as much as usually – then is going to keep an intravenous fluid to feed your son. The immobilizing of the elbows should be used to your son do not scratch the operated location. Your doctor will indicate how to feed your son during this period after the surgery. It is crucial that was followed your doctor's instructions on the alimentation to allow the palate heals adequately.

Restored: The children who has a lip or the leporine palate are particularly sensitive to the ears infections due to these terms interfere with the function of the average ear. To allow an appropriated drainage and a good air circulation, the lip team surgeon otorhinolaryngologist and leporine palate can recommend that it is put a ventilation small tube in the hearing pavilion. This relatively simple operation can be accomplished after or at the moment in which the harelip is repaired. Moreover, the surgery can be recommended by your cosmetic surgeon when your son is larger to refine the nose function, of the lip, and of the palate. In case it want to argue better her needs with the lip team members or leporine palate make them see your son. Perhaps the most important is to have in mind that the surgery to repair a lip or a leporine palate is alone the beginning of the process. The family support is critical for his son's mental health. Love and the comprehension will help your son to grow with a sense of autoestima that goes besides the physical defect that can have.