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Hair Transplant

Transplante Capilar

Definition: Baldness or alopecia design the pila loss or total or partial hairs, temporary or definitive in any region of the human body that has pila or hairs.

Purpose The hair fall is caused, mostly, by the combination of aging, hormonal and family historical alteration of baldness. How much earlier we initiate the capillary fall, severer the baldness will become. The hair fall also can be caused by burns or trauma, in case in which the surgery of capillary transplant is considered a treatment reconstrutor. The hairs loss in the human being carries for variable degrees of dissatisfaction, since they are one of the more important factors for side aesthetics. The baldness androgenética or hereditary the commonest in the population, it occurs in the great majority in men, however also can observe in women. As the own name says is caused by a hormonal alteration that is passed of father for son. This hormonal alteration makes the enzyme 5 alpha redutasse, transform testosterona in diidrotestosteronas weakening the pilous follicle. In the man the attacked hair is the front and the one of head top. It is not only the man who is baldness victim, the woman also can be affected by this problem, due to thyroid alterations, vitamins menopause or deficiency.

Baldness The commonest baldness, the masculine, generally is caused by influence of the masculine hormone – is for alopecia androgênica. Today it knows that there are areas in the hairs that own a genetic code for the baldness, while another areas do not own this gene. Other baldness causes are for seborréia, the oiliness excess, the stress, the tobacco and bad alimentation.

Kind of Anesthesia: The accomplished anesthesia generally is local or local with sedation, but in special cases can be accomplished under general anesthesia.

Technical used in the surgery There is a scalp region, in the back and in the head sides, that does not own the baldness gene and that do not suffer this hormonal action, these are the regions of which extract the threads to are transplanted. We formerly used a technique that transplanted hairs tufts, causing an aspect inestético, as "doll hairs". Today with new techniques is possible only transplant from 1 to 3 threads for unit, resulting in a totally natural aspect. As they are of the patient, reminding that there is no rejection to the transplants.

Indication It is indicated from the 18 years accomplish a capillary transplant, except for very widespread baldnesses, in which the area donor is very small, not allowing a good result. The surgical planning is done always aiming at appearance naturalness. In the frontal area, the doctor and the patient decide as it will be drawn the "frontal line", and in this area only are used grafts with just 1 thread. In the central area are used grafts with 2 threads and in the crown area are used grafts with 3 threads. In a surgical session are transplanted at most from 4 to 5.000 threads. It is possible depending on the baldness area, that is necessary a second session after some months, for better result.

surgery Duration: This surgery has duration of about of 4 hours, being possible to have hospitable high at the same day.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• The area donor stays with a fine scar, intermixed by the hairs and totally hidden in the postoperative.
• In the transplants region they form small crusts, that in a period from 1 to 2 weeks loosen, carrying with himself the transplanted threads. At the end of 3 months, they start to grow the new hairs from the roots that were transplanted. From there onwards the cares are the normal.
• The transplanted threads are not going to fall never, because do not have the sensitive gene to the masculine hormone.