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Scar correction


Definition: The scar correction surgery reduces the scar so that it get more uniform with your tone of skin and the surrounding texture.

surgery Importance: The scars are visible signals that remain after a wound be cicatrized, being inevitable result of lesion or surgery, and your development can be unexpected. The bad cicatrization can contribute for the appearance of unfavorable scars. Even a wound that cicatrizes can well result in precarious scar in its appearance. Their treatment options vary according to the kind and the cicatrization degree and can include:

• Simple treatments topics,
• Procedures minimamente invasive,
• Surgical revision with techniques advanced of wound shutdown.
The scar correction surgery it destines to minimize the scar so that it get more uniform with your tone of skin and the surrounding texture. Besides the scar correction provide more pleasing aesthetic result or to improve a scar that has bad cicatrization, a scar cannot be completely erased.
Scars caused by accidents or surgery are unexpected. The way that a scar develops depends a lot of the way as your body would recover of the initial lesion or in the surgeon's competences. Many variable can affect the cicatrization severity, including the size and the cut depth, the blood supply in the affected area, the thickness and the color of its skin and the scar direction. Regarding the scar appearance inconveniences you, of course it is a personal subject. While no scar can be removed completely, plastic surgeons can improve the scar appearance, doing her less obviates through the right esteroides injection or application or through surgical procedures known as scar correction.

Take the decision: Many scars that seem great and not attractive at the beginning, they can become less notable with time. Some can be treated with esteroides to alleviate the symptoms as itch and ardor. For these reasons, it recommends waiting a year or more after the lesion or surgery before deciding to do a scar correction. There is one inconvenienced with a scar the Dr. Ferrer is going to examine you and to argue the possible methods to treat its scar, the risks and involved benefits and the possible results. Be frank to when arguing their expectations and are sure that they are realistic. Do not hesitate to doing any question or to express any preoccupation that you can have.

Risks and uncertainties: Although a scar correction usually be certain, always there is a complications possibility that can include infection, sangramento, a reaction to the anesthesia or the recurrence of an unsightly scar. You can reduce the risks following strictly the recommendations, so much before the surgery as in the accompaniment cares.

Queloides' Scars: Keloids are groups of woven of thick, wrinkled cicatrization that scratch, and that grow besides the cut or incision limits. Usually, they are reddish or darker regarding the skin in comes back. Keloids occur when the body continues to produce the solid protean fibers known as collagens, after the lesion recovery. The keloids can arise anywhere in the body, however, they are commoner in the thorax, in the ear wolves and in the shoulders. They occur more usually in people of dark skin that in the with clear skin. The tendency in develop keloids decreases with the age. Habitually, the keloids are treated with steroids injection directly in the scar fabric to reduce the redness, the itch and for queimação. In some cases , they also are going to shrink the scar . If the treatment with steroids is inadequate, the scar fabric will be able to be removed and the close cut with one or more layers of surgical points. Generally, this is a procedure ambulatorial, accomplished with anesthetizes location.

hypertrophic Scars: Hypertrophic scars are usually confused for keloids, once both tend to thick, red and elevated being. However, hypertrophic scars remain inside the limits of the original incision, or cut. They usually improve alone – although that can carry a year or more - or with help from steroids applications or injections. If a conservative action to do not seem to be effective, the hypertrophic scars can be improved surgically. The cosmetic surgeon is going to remove the fabric excess, and can move the incision, then she is going to if recover in a way less visible. This surgery will be able to be accomplished with general or local anesthesia, depending on the scar location and than you and your surgeon decide. You will be able to receive steroid injections during the surgery and in the intervals up to two years after the surgery to prevent a thick scar in the correction location.

Contraturas: Burns or another resultant lesions in loss of a skin great area will be able to form scars that jerk back the skin limits, a called process contraction. For contratura resultant can affect the adjacent muscles and the sinews, restricting the normal actions. Correct for contratura usually involves removing the scar and to replace her with a skin graft. In some cases, a procedure known as Z-plastia will be able to be used. New techniques, like fabric expansion, are being accomplished with an important growth. If for contratura exist for some time, you will be able to need a physiotherapy after the surgery to reestablish the total functions.

facial Scars: Due to its location, a facial scar is frequentemente considered a cosmetic problem, being or not hypertrophic. There are several ways to turn a facial less notable scar. Usually, just is cut and close with tiny surgical points, letting a finer and less notable scar. If the scar is along the natural lines of the skin (or “relaxation lines”), the surgeon will be able to be apt to moves her at the same time to these lines, where will be less evident. (See Z-plastia). Some facial scars can be softened using a technical call dermabrasão, a top layer controlled fragmentation of the skin using a rotating high-speed manual sandpaper. For dermabrasão lets the surface of the soft skin, but not completely free of the scar.

Z-plastia The Z-plastia is a surgical technique used to move a scar the possible nearest to the natural lines and skin creases, where she will be less notable. That also will be able to alleviate the tension caused by a contratura. Neither all the scars are passible of a Z-plastia, therefore, can require an experienced cosmetic surgeon to do the necessary trials. In this procedure, the old scar is removed and new incisions are done of each side, creating small triangular oddments of skin. These oddments are rearranged to cover the cut in a different angle, giving to the scar a format of “Z”. The cut is close with fine surgical points, that are removed in some days. The Z-plastia is usually accomplished as a procedure ambulatorial with anesthetizes location. While the Z-plastia can do some scars less obvias, she is not going to do them disappear. A scar portion still is going to remain outside the relaxation lines.

skin Transplant (graft) and fabric oddments surgery: Skin and oddments transplant of woven are more serious than another scar surgery forms. They are rather accomplished in a hospital as hospitable procedure, using general anesthesia. The treated area can carry several weeks or months until whether recover and a support or bandage clothes will be able to be necessary for until a year. Graft involves the skin transfer of a healthy part of the body (Place donor) to cover the hurt area. Tells that the graft “caught” when new vases sangüíneos and a cicatrization fabric is formed in the affected area. Although most grafts of its own skin are successful, sometimes the graft does not catch. In addition to what, all the grafts let some cicatrizations in the place donor and receiver. Oddments surgery of woven is a complex procedure that the skin, together with its fat, blood vessels and, sometimes, the muscles are moved of a healthy area of the body for the affected area. In some oddments, the sanguine supply remains attached at the end of the place donor; In another, the oddment blood vessels are reanexados to the new place vases using surgery microvascular. Oddments skin and surgery graft of woven can improve very well the function of the cicatrized area. The cosmetic results can be less satisfactory, once the color and the skin texture transferred cannotagree precisely with the skin around of the area. In general, the oddments surgery of woven produce a better cosmetic result that the graft.

Recommendations post-surgical: With any kind of scar correction, after the surgery, is very important to follow your surgeon's instructions to assure that the cut is going to if recover adequately. Although you are feeling very quickly, your surgeon will warn you so that it resume her normal activities gradually. While we recover, have in mind that no scar can be removed completely; The degree of improves depends on the size and direction of its scar, of nature and quality of its skin and quão well you care for of your cut after the operation. If its scar seem worse that the first, do not come in m panic, the final results of its surgery should not be apparent in until a year or more.