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Gynecomasty - Reduction of mammary man


Scientific Name: Known as ginecomastia, the mamma reduction for the men is the surgical correction of the mammary excessively developed or great glands.

Purpose: They reduce the great mammas in the man, similar to woman's mammas, using for lipoaspiração and/or removing surgically the excess of glandular fabric.

Kind of Anesthesia: It uses general, peridural or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation.

surgical Time: Of a hour and a half to three hours.

Patient interno/paciente external: It is a procedure for external patients.

Risks: Infection, production of fluid, wounds in the skin, skin undulation or laxity, asymmetry, pigmentation alterations, scars in excess if the fabric has been cut, sensation loss in the mamillae, irregularities in the outline and in some cases the need to a second procedure to remove more fabric if necessary.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Urea and creatinina, sorologia for hepatitis B and C, sorologia HIV, dosage sérica of Sodium and potassium, E.C.G., Urine exam.
• Accomplish photographic documentation.
• Communicate your doctor up to 2 days before the surgery, in influenza case, indisposition, etc.
• Avoid alcoholic drinks.
• Do light meals in the surgery eve.
• Avoid the cigarettes use at least 15 days before the surgery until its complete recovery.
• Do not do medications use with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 20 days before and 10 days after the surgery accomplishment.

• Avoid any medication for weigh loss, that eventually be accomplishing, for a period 15 day before the surgical act.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• Do hygiene without carefully weting the dressings.
• Do its normal dental hygiene.
• Diet carries in the first 24 hours and after habitual diet without abuses.
• Ingest, at least, 2 liters of liquid to the day (Gatorade).
• Increase the consumption of rich food in proteins and vitamin C.
• You can use Hirudoid or similar in the areas with bruises or esquimoses, post-bath.
• If necessary, it can use a kind laxative Agarol or similar.
• Avoid to the maximum to stay laid down, if possible, movimente softly the legs and feet.
• You are very important that the postoperative girdle remains without folds.
• Do not use bathtubs, swimming pools and beach for 30 days.
• Do not make physical effort, sporty activities and neither it load weight for 30 days.
• Do not stay close to hot places and avoid cooking for 4 weeks.
• Avoid to the maximum the cigarettes use until the complete recovery.
• It abstain of sexual activities for 30 days or as medical orientation.
• If Do not expose in the sun for 90 days, after that period uses FPS-40
• Avoid efforts for 15 days.
• Do not direct automobile for 30 days.
• Walks will be liberated after 20 days and physical activity after 3 months.
• keep the girdle for 1 month.
• Follow correctly the prescribed medications in the revenue, any doubt between in touch with the Doctor Ferrer.

Eventual Complications: They are possible bruises, swelling, numbness, pains, and/or a sensation of temporary burn.

Time of recovery: The patient can return to the work after seven days. The most demanding activities can be resumed elapsed two to three weeks. Most swellings and bruises will disappear elapsed three to six months.

Results: The results are very satisfactory, reminding that it there can be a regression with the patient weight increase.