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Gluteoplasty - Buttock Augmentation Surgery


Scientific Name: The Increase Surgery of Glúteo is called out scientifically of Gluteoplastia of Increase.

Purpose: Gluteoplastia of increase is accomplished, basically, to increase the size and to remodel the backside through the silicone or graft prosthesis inclusion of fat of the patient.

Indications: There is not an ideal time for this surgery. If the woman feels unsatisfied with her outline and silhouette, it can opt for accomplishing her.

Kind of Anesthesia: The anesthesia generally used to this kind of surgery is the peridural with sedation. In special cases can be used general anesthesia.

Scar: The surgical Approach is accomplished through an incision of about 5 cm in the line interglútea The scar will pass by several phases until reaches the final phase:

• Immediate Period (until the 30th day): During the first month, the scars present an excellent aspect and little visible. Some cases present discreet reaction to the points or to the dressing.
• Period Mediato (2nd until the 12nd month): In this period, there will be espessamento natural of the scars, as well as change in the tonality of its color, passing of "red" for the "brown", that goes, little by little, clarifying. This period, the least favorable of the evolution cicatricial, is what worries most the patients. As cannot hurry the natural process of the cicatrization, we recommend to the patients that are notworried, because the tardy period will take care of decreasing the vestiges cicatriciais.
• Tardy Period (12nd to the 18th month): After a year, the scars start to become clearer and less consistent reaching, this way, your definitive aspect. Any evaluation of the definitive result of the surgery, in terms of cicatrization, should be made after this period.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Urea and creatinina, sorologia for hepatitis B and C, sorologia HIV, dosage sérica of Sodium and potassium, E.C.G., Urine exam.
• Accomplish photographic documentation.
• Communicate your doctor up to 2 days before the surgery, in influenza case, indisposition, etc.
• Avoid alcoholic drinks.
• Do light meals in the surgery eve.
• Avoid the cigarettes use at least 15 days before the surgery until its complete recovery.
• Do not do medications use with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 20 days before and 10 days after the surgery accomplishment.
• Avoid any medication for weigh loss, that eventually be accomplishing, for a period 15 day before the surgical act.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• Do hygiene without carefully weting the dressings.
• Do its normal dental hygiene.
• Diet carries in the first 24 hours and after habitual diet without abuses.
• Ingest, at least, 2 liters of liquid to the day (Gatorade).
• Increase the consumption of rich food in proteins and vitamin C.
• You can use Hirudoid or similar in the areas with bruises or esquimoses, post-bath.
• If necessary, it can use a kind laxative Agarol or similar.
• Avoid to the maximum to stay laid down, if possible, movimente softly the legs and feet.
• You are very important that the postoperative girdle remains without folds.
• Do not use bathtubs, swimming pools and beach for 30 days.
• Do not make physical effort, sporty activities and neither it load weight for 30 days.
• Do not stay close to hot places and avoid cooking for 4 weeks.
• Avoid to the maximum the cigarettes use until the complete recovery.
• It abstain of sexual activities for 30 days or as medical orientation.
• If Do not expose in the sun for 90 days, after that period uses FPS-40
• Avoid efforts for 15 days.
• Do not direct automobile for 30 days.
• Walks will be liberated after 20 days and physical activity after 3 months.
• keep the girdle for 1 month.
• Follow correctly the prescribed medications in the revenue, any doubt between in touch with the Doctor Ferrer.
• Avoid using shoes of elevated jump.

Time of recovery: The recovery is fast and occurs in 10 days, could already sit down in the first day and to walk the next day.

Surgeries associates: Gluteoplastia can be associate to Lipoescultura.