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Fill in the face


Definition: Preenchimentos dérmicos injetáveis are used to increase fine lips, improve superficial outlines, soften facial wrinkles, eliminate wrinkles and to improve the scars appearance.

Purpose: The Fulfilling is an aesthetic treatment accomplished by plastic surgeons that can belong to substances bio-compatible, that they can be organic as the fat or inorganic as the acid hialurônico. The furrows, the wrinkles, the lips expression and tuning lines start appear when the collagen and the fibers of elastic that there are below the skin break and will go wear downing itself, that makes part of the normal process of the aging, also can be caused by excessive facial expressions, mimic or laughters. The fulfilling has basically 3 purposes:

Furrows Treatment: Nominated to eliminate or to attenuate the furrow nasogeniano, that between mouth and the nose, he can be performed by fat, extracted of the patient or using any of the substances that we find in the market. The fulfilling is a treatment of much success for the furrows elimination. Substancias are injected below the juices, the which ones perform the depressions and push the skin upwards, smoothing and giving to appearance of a younger face without the need to a surgery.

Expression or scars Wrinkles or Lines Treatment: Nominated to eliminate or to attenuate the side expression wrinkles or lines. Substances are injected below the expression wrinkles or lines, the which ones perform the depressions and push the skin upwards, smoothing and giving to appearance of a younger face, without the need to a surgery. It also can be used in the ears lobuli. There are several substances that can be used in this treatment, which only should be accomplished by a specialized doctor. Also recommend that it does a simultaneous treatment of the skin. Like the applied substances will go being absorbed gradually by the organism, the result most of the time is not permanent. This procedure is worthwhile, even with the time's limits, because it presents a good immediate result, accessible cost, does not require hospitable internment and there is no need to activities dismissal Normal.

Kind of Anesthesia: The used anesthesia is for location or location with sedation. It stays for surgeon's criterion and of the patient decide which is in excess nominee.

Lips Outline: Preechimento in this area can be to the lips outline increase, or it augments them since they are in evidences in the today's day, through the application of these already denominated products. The result is immediate