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Liposuction and Liposculpture


Scientific Name: There are certain confusion among terms lipoaspiração and lipoescultura. We can define lipoaspiração as the resource used to mechanical retreat of fat located through the stems use, that are connected for specific devices such as; Syringes, aspiration machines, vibrolipoaspirador, ultrassom or laser. For lipoescultura can be defined as the fat retreat located in the locations in exception and its reintrodução (graft), after one prepare previous, in the areas where there is deficiency or where we want to highlight, with the purpose of polishing a more harmonic body.

Indications: Despite good health and of the practice of physical exercise, some people can, yet, have a body with outlines desproporcionais due to deposits of located fat. These areas can occur due to characteristic geneticses, to the weight control lack or of physical activity. For lipoaspiração can be used to treat fat accumulations in several parts of the body, including thighs, arms, neck, waist, back, medial part of the knee, breast, cheeks, chin, legs and ankles. In some cases, for lipoaspiração is accomplished separately, in too much cases, she is used with cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelift, the mamma reduction or for abdominoplastia.

recommended Age: Lipoaspiração is recommended from the 18 years.

Kind of Anesthesia: The anesthesia used to this kind of surgery is the peridural or local with sedation and can eventually employ the general anesthesia.

surgery Duration: Depending on the extension of the areas to are treated, time varies from 1 to 4 hours, could be overtaken in some cases. However, time of surgical act should not be confused for time of patient stay in the environment of Surgical Center, because, this stay also involves the period of anesthetic preparation and postoperative recovery.

Time of internment: Depending on the extension of the aspired area and of the kind of anesthesia, the internment period will be able to vary of some hours up to 24 hours.

Scar: The resultant scars of a lipoaspiração are minimum, located in several parts of the body, so as to allow access to the areas to are operated. Your size varies between 5 and 8 millimeters and are planned to are in local little visible, generally camouflaged in the regions where there are folds. The scars will pass by several phases until reaches the final phase:

• Immediate Period (until the 30th day): During the first month, the scars present an excellent aspect and little visible. Some cases present discreet reaction to the points or to the dressing.
• Period Mediato (2nd until the 12nd month): In this period, there will be espessamento natural of the scars, as well as change in the tonality of its color, passing of "red" for the "brown", that goes, little by little, clarifying. This period, the least favorable of the evolution cicatricial, is what worries most the patients. As cannot hurry the natural process of the cicatrization, we recommend to the patients that are notworried, because the tardy period will take care of decreasing the vestiges cicatriciais.
• Tardy Period (12nd to the 18th month): After a year, the scars start to turn be become clearer and less consistent reaching, this way, your definitive aspect. Any evaluation of the definitive result of the surgery, in terms of cicatrization, should be made after this period.

Preoperative Recommendations:

• Accomplish laboratory exams: Complete hemogram, Coagulograma, Glycemia, Urea and creatinina, sorologia for hepatitis B and C, sorologia HIV, dosage sérica of Sodium and potassium, E.C.G., Urine exam.
• Accomplish photographic documentation.
• Communicate your doctor up to 2 days before the surgery, in influenza case, period menstrual,indisposição, etc.
• Avoid alcoholic drinks.
• Do light meals in the surgery eve.
• Avoid the cigarettes use at least 15 days before the surgery until its complete recovery.
• Do not do medications use with Salicylic Acid Acetyl (THE ONES, Aspirin) or anticoagulant, as well as Ginko Biloba, for 20 days before and 10 days after the surgery accomplishment.
• Depilate by the pubianos, higienizar well the navel, accomplish a good corporeal hygiene and to do not use make-up in the surgery day, according to orientations documents supplied by the Dr. Ferrer.

Postoperative Recommendations:

• Avoid efforts in the 8 first days.
• Careful corporeal hygiene to without weting the dressings.
• Do its normal dental hygiene
• Do not take the girdle before the 4 day, to avoid that the surgical edema expands.
• Do not frighten, it is in the 2nd day of postoperative that the edema more expands. The larger discomfiture locations are the areas with larger bony contact: Posterior region back, Sacred-coccígea Region, Previous region in the ribs and eventually in the pubis.
• Avoid hot places (kitchen, beach, field, etc) and physical effort. Preferably, repose and to sleep in airy environments. The bath should be more for cold.
• After the 4° day, when he withdraw the girdle to take bath, puts back her as soon as possible.
• The 1st week of postoperative, very led and respected, is fundamental for a good and precocious recovery.
• Do lymphatic drainage as soon as possible, because help to reduce the edema and avoids the formation of hardened nodules.
• take the prescribed medication, according to orientations of the Dr. Ferrer. To suspend any medication or to take any doubt, consultation him or your assistants.
• Fall episode of orthostatic arterial pressure can occur when lifting, because of this it is recommended: First sit down for 3 minutes for then to lift, Walk slowly.
• You can present compensatory Tachycardia (heart beats frequency increase), in the first 4 days post-surgical, it is readaptação phase after the retreat of the aspired volume.
• Drink it plenty dilutes, at least 2,5 liters a day or gatorade.
• For diurese will be able to increase, to eliminate liquid infused during the surgery, in the serum form.
• Wait to do its weigh loss diet or regime, after the medical liberation. The anticipation of this conduct independently, it will be able to determine difficult consequences to are healed.
• If necessary can use a kind laxative Agarol or another habitually used
• Only drive after the first 10 days or under medical liberation.
• There will be formation of ecchymosises areas (purple stains, caused by blood overfilling) in the aspired areas; Depending on the individual recovery and of medicamentes action, it will carry from 15 to 25 days to occur the disappearance. You can use Hirudoid gel or similar in areas with bruises or ecchymosis, post-bath.
• Avoid exhibition deliberated in the sun, because such fact will be able to propitiate the formation of dark stains of difficult treatment and eradication, due to the presence of iron in the overflowed blood.
• Do not use bathtub, swimming pools and beach for 30 days.
• Return for revisions of a month, two, four and six months. Final return for picture with a year.

Time of recovery: The recovery generally occurs between 3ºe 15ºdias after the surgery, this period is related directly with the fat retreat quantity and of the areas that were treated.

Result: Never we should consider as definitive any result, before from 6 to 9 months of postoperative.

Surgeries associates: Lipoaspiração or lipoescultura can be associate to any other cosmetic surgery, the most frequent are: Abdominoplastia, and Mammoplasty redutora or of increase.